Read Part I here to keep up with the plot.
The Withering Wench had high south winds on her sails, plunging the vessel towards the island of Icepeak, where the harbor of Aurilsbarg awaited for our new heroes. Bolwyn and Orgot were experiencing the joys of marine travel for the first time, although Posco was also quite a greenhorn at the seas. Only Thelon had experience from the seas, but the human ships felt much cruder to him than the elven vessels that floated through the waves with no rocking.

The boat was soon on the waves, men rowing furiously to gain with the whale. The crew had identified it as a minke whale, a perfect size of a whale for our newcomer harpooners. Although the art of the harpoon throwing proved to be quite an obstacle, the whale was eventually catched.
Rest of the journey went without notable encounters. Captain decided to process the whale at the harbor, so the Withering Wench towed the carcass alongside it. After two days of successful seafaring, the ship reached the frozen harbor of Aurilsbarg. Walruses greeted the ship with their great bellowing. It was clear that summer was yet to come to this northern island that was the last island with permanent settlements before the Sea of Moving Ice. Small city of Aurilsbarg was the trade nexus for the fishing villages around the island, and only one to support a open harbor through the harsh winter. The town center was small with only two dozen buildings and it was hard to believe that it actually had population of almost 3000. But there was no city wall and most of the buildings were widely spread along the coastline and the hillsides. There in the shadow of the gigantic mountain the Icepeak the city of Aurilsbarg had stood for centuries, frozen for ten months in a year.
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Small city of Aurilsbarg |
Servant of the Flames
After the peaceful night of rest on the firm ground, the team left to the Church of the Frozen Waves, a temple of goddesses Auril and Umberlee. The Church was just outside the city and it was the only one that was full stone-craft as the others were mainly wood with stone foundation. The Church was covered with frost, but unlike the inn and all the other buildings of the city, the Church was also frozen from the inside. As our mercenaries stepped in, Atledan, the priest in charge, received them. As he understood that the heroes hadn't come to seek mercy from the wrath of the goddesses, he became reluctant to cooperate.
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Perfect example of the brave nature of Kobolds |
Quick round of information gathering around the city provided the adventurers with all the details they needed. Vasiljus the Dookian had come to the Icepeak from somewhere south. He was a devoted servant of Kossuth, the deity of fire. His plan was to awaken the slumbering volcano inside the Icepeak. The Aurilsbargians weren't quite fond with his plan, and he soon retreated to his cabin at the mountainside. Locals have tried to forgot him, but recently local hunters have heard strange barking and yapping from his isolated mountain cabin.
With the information they needed, Thelon, Posco, Bolwyn and Orgot headed towards the Icepeak. Crowgale stayed behind as he felt that the headhunt wasn't for him. The ascend to the cabin was a harsh one, and late that night they finally reached the desolate cabin. Little warm light flickered through it's small windowpanes and Posco took the privilege of little scouting. He positioned himself behind the window, as he saw Vasiljus talking to someone/something that yapped back to him. The others took position behind the door and from Poscos mark, Bolwyn kicked the door in. Posco himself launched a bolt through the windowpane, but failed to bring the worshipper of Kossuth down.
For everyone's surprise, the cabin was full of kobolds, wretched pawns in Vasiljus's fiery plans. The charge inside the cabin was rapid, but Vasiljus escaped into inner cavern that was dug from inside the cabin into the mountainside. There were more kobolds that had organized themselves into defensive positions. Thelon almost killed himself as he charged against the defensive wall, but the rest of our headhunters followed quickly, and the small lizardfolk were soon defeated. Only Vasiljus himself proved to be bit challenging as he swung his tendrils of flame (the preferred weapon of Kossuth, spiked chains), but eventually our brave firefighters extinguished the fire of life from his eyes.
Because of the nightfall, the journey back to Aurilsbarg could have been perilous, so our heroes decided to stay in the cabin until the morning. While staying there, they had good time for some looting, and with an appraise done hastily, they counted treasure worth of almost 2000 gold pieces.
After the uneasy night at the scene of a bloodbath, our mercenaries wandered back to the coastal city. Quick trip to fetch mister Crowgale from the inn, and the headhunters began to approach the church.
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Priest Atledan was really pleased when he learned that his rival Vasiljus the Doorian had met his end. |
The Tomb of the Whitefarer
The cubic mausoleum of Valgaerd was quite easy to open. But a surprise occurred to our grave robbers as the tomb was empty. There was a big hole in the middle of the tomb and it looked like it had collapsed years ago. A rope was tied around Bolwyn and the dwarf was lowered down into a cramped tunnel that ran beneath the crypt. As the others descended also, they began to investigate the strange complex of these low tunnels that forced Thelon and Orgot to cower really uncomfortably. It was soon obvious that some grave-robbers had dug all these tunnels, as many ceilings had holes to other tombs and crypts that lied in the church, and the tunnels had bones scattered everywhere.
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Tomb Mote from book Libris Mortis |
While the heroes examined the wounds of the mummified tunnelers, Enoch Crowgale searched around the room and managed to find a old withered and worn book that he quickly identified to be Valgaerds logbook! His joy ended fast, as something approached them with great speed. Two tiny,vaguely humanoid,creatures attacked our fellowship, clawing and biting with unnatural haste, not so often attributed to undead creatures. These tomb motes challenged our heroes, but once again they prevailed. As they began to ascend from the grave, all the loot obtained from the perished grave-tunnelers, were hidden so that the priest wouldn't notice them. As Atledan heard about the tunnels underneath, he was shocked not to notice them before. And using his shock to their advance, our mercenaries left the church with sacks full of gold.
The Dead Haverigg
Later that night, our mercenaries were raising their pints for success at the church. Captain Herrod was there too with his men, and he told that ship called Shivering Nordman would leave towards Luskan within a week, but its captain Randvir Unnarrson hasn't yet returned from his home village, so the heroes couldn't ask for a ride just yet. Thought of boredom while waiting for the captain bothered our heroes, but a old man overheard their conversation and approached them with a bet. Kell was his name and he dared that our heroes would not have the courage to spend a night in the village of Daud-Haverigg. Of course they swallowed the bait and promised to venture there as soon as possible, meaning the next morning.
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Village of Daud-Haverigg |
Journey to east, towards Daud-Haverigg took the whole day, and at dusk they finally reached the old fishing village. It looked abandoned with all it's buildings were more or less ramshackle. Village road was still covered by thick snow, with no sign of trails or human footsteps. But in the middle of the village, faint light gleamed from small windows of a inn named "Blue Burial-Inn". Our four heroes walked inside and the innkeeper Dalfarr welcomed them in. He acknowledged that the village had drifted into decay, as did few nodding patrons, sipping their pints in the corner. But no signs of terror painted by old man Kell was found, and our heroes took a room as they were to stay for the night to win the bet.

Defeating the small group was relatively easy task, but soon our daredevils understood that the living dead were swarming in with constantly increasing rate. The biggest and the ugliest of them was Dalfarr, the innkeeper himself, who instead of serving pints, served our heroes with terrible zombie assaults. The others positioned themselves into the high end of a staircase in order to defend efficiently against the horde, but Posco was left to trouble as the undead managed to force themselves up the stairs, bringing part of the first floor ceiling down, and opening a new route for attack. As the others hacked the zombies to pieces, Posco tried to escape from the claws of the innkeeper, who had taken the small halfling as it's target. But that night was not their last, and they managed slay every last one of the undead. Closer examination of the wretched inn after the battle revealed some horrible secrets, and some modest loot too! Dalfarrs account book had it's last note dated to 12.2.1342, which was thirty years ago. Also, a hidden room was found from the basement, and there lied a corpse of a shackled woman. Apparently she was a sorceress of some sort, and from his basement cell wall a short written curse was found: "Cursed be thine village, may thee walk eternally, as dead and restless"
The Red Claw
After a restless night in the village of Haverigg, our adventurers began their journey back. It was shadowed by Orgots illness that was diagnosed to be originating from the tombs beneath the Church of Frozen Waves. By the end of the day Thelon succumbed too for this dread disease, but lucky for them, they arrived back to Aurilsbarg in time. Priest Atledan removed the disease with his divine magic, but they were still quite weakened as it had ravished their bodies greatly. Later that night at the inn, old man Kell admitted his defeat, and the mercenaries were acknowledged as brave lads!
Next morning, Orgot and Thelon stayed at bed in order to recover, but Posco and Bolwyn went to the piers to book themselves to Shivering Nordman. Captain Unnarrson was favorable to take them as passengers, and our shorties planned to return back to the inn. But a local huntsman, the Master Huntsman of Aurilsbarg to be exact, Mordr, intercepted them and asked them to give their opinion about something. After a short walk to the seaside rocks where the walruses had been earlier, Mordr showed them a scene of murder. Almost a dozen dead walruses lied there ripped and gutted, with no clear sign by whom or what. As the island had no natural predators, Mordr was quite puzzled by this massacre. Posco and Bolwyn promised to help and after closer investigation, Posco found tuft of fur from a tusk of a great bull. Mordr couldn't identify the coarse, dark grey fur and the investigators returned to inn to show it to Crowgale. He was almost certain that it belonged to a wolf, but their absence from the island aroused even more questions. Query around the city came up with nothing, but Bolwyn and Posco already had their own theories for the suspect. They believed that the bloodbath was a work of a werewolf, as the moon was currently full too! Mainly because of this theory, they stayed up late, circling around the town, watching out for any wandering wolfmen.
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A Werewolf |
Something wasn't alright about Dagstyrr, but as our heroes had no real evidence about their shapeshifting werewolf, another night of vigilance was needed. That night was also the last of three-night-phase of the fullmoon, so if the werewolf would present itself, this was the last change. Orgot and Thelon, who had finally gained some of their strenght back, joined also for the nightwatch.
After uncountable hours of patient waiting, a loud shout broke the anticipating silence. Posco arrived to the scene first and he witnessed a great beast, half a man, half a wolf, shredding one member of townguard apart. Posco pulled the wolfmans attention to himself, and the maimed townguard managed to escape his doom. Soon the rest of our heroes arrived, and although the shapeshifter was resilient, repelling most of the strokes with it's supernatural resistance of mundane weapons. But eventually the load of damage was too great for the wolfman, and the beast collapsed. It turned out that Dagstyrr the Locksmith was after all the one behind the menace. Later on it was speculated that Dagstyrr had contacted the lycanthrophy on his journeys on the continent. The Master Huntsman Mordr thanked the heroes for solving the mystery behind the murders. He also granted a small reward for their job by the behalf of Oddnar Alrek, the Jarl of Aurilsbarg.
Return to Luskan
After a quick nap during the forenoon, our heroes packed the gear and stepped to the Shivering Nordman, their ticket back to the continent. The voyage was a success and our mercenaries managed to rest for few days. During their rest, Crowgale engrossed in to the logbook even more, but the key to the secret code was still waiting for him to unveil it.
One encounter occured during the voyage, as Posco was awakened during the night by some shady sneaking just in front of him. The sneaking sailor, Chale, claimed that he was just walking by, but Posco accused him to be a thief. The ships bosun Oleg interrupted the quarrel before it escalated any further. But the seed of suspicion stayed was left behind, and Posco kept his eyes open.
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Windmill-Hágo |
The halfling guessed it right, as soon they were surrounded with thugs asking for their purses. The leader of the band (who called themselves as The Amazing Luskan Lads) was a flamboyant swordfighter named Windmill-Hágo, who presented himself in exquisite manner. As our heroes declined to hand over their possessions, the Lads tried to subdue them. Our veteran mercenaries responded in lethal fashion, wounding few severely. Finally Thelon charged against Hágo himself, who had previously abstained himself from the battle. Our brave elf learned a quick lesson about mastery of blades, as Hágo slapped him with his swords flat several times. Disappointed by his unskilled adversary, Hágo left the scene only to challenge our mercenaries again one day, when they would be ready for it.
As Thelon regained his consciousness, and the rest had finished beating the Lads till pulp, our awesome quartet ( plus Crowgale) took a small breather and stepped towards the alleyways.
And by the way they were just greeted at the piers, they knew they were back in the City of Sails!