"Posco Pepper"
Age: 25 (January 22nd 1347DR)
Eyes: Green Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Light
Height: 3´1" Weight: 35lb
Level 2 Rogue
Lightfoot Halfling Male
"Posco is a pepper salesman. He teamed up with Thelon back in Neverwinter and together they traveled to Luskan in order to find better fortune. He is a cunning small man with quite a repertoire of thieves skills. So maybe the pepper-thing was just another disguise?"

"Bolwyn Flameblade"
Age: 64 (April 5th 1308DR)
Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Skin: Tan
Height: 4'8" Weight: 193lb.
Level 2 Fighter
Lawful Neutral Shield Dwarf Male
"Bolwyn Flameblade from the Clan Mithralheart was on a grand quest with his dwarven brothers. Fate denied Bolwyn from reaching his earlier goals as he clashed together with Orgot's orc tribe. The two were left under a cave-in, and as neither managed kill another, they discussed a bit and found new vistas of thinking. They teamed up and together they managed to break free from their stony tomb. Bolwyn never thought that he could be friends with an orc, but now they are adventuring in Luskan together. Bolwyn has great passion for armorsmithing and he carries tens of pound of scrap metal in his huge backpack, constantly tinkering with his new suit of armor that others see as pile of garbage. "
"Orgot Shatargat-thrak"
Age: 22 (June 18th 1350DR)
Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Skin: Greenish
Height: 6'6" Weight: 290lb
Level 2 Cleric of Talos
Chaotic Neutral Half-Orc male
"Orgot was one of the shaman-priest of his tribe. He was the one who answered to Talos, providing the blessing of the Storm Lord for their raids. One of those raids went wrong however, and Orgot found himself teamed up with a dwarf! Friendship with Bolwyn prepared the half-orc for the human settlements, and now as the once tribal orc cleric strolls through the streets of Luskan, he had begun to understand the thoughts he all along back in his earlier life with the tribe. He was more than just a simple minded brute, he felt civilized."

"Thelon Celtharion"
Age: 154 (September 30th 1218DR)
Eyes:Green Hair: Golden Skin: light with yellow & gold hue
Height: 6`0" Weight:146lb.
Level 1 Duskblade
Lawful Neutral Sun Elf male
"Thelon arrived to Faerun from the remote elven kingdom of Evermeet. The whys and reasons for his arrival have yet not been told, but at some point he met Posco the halfling. Together they shared series of adventures, and now they are at the beginning of their greatest adventure, together with newly met comrades Bolwyn and Orgot."
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