
A quick summary of events of importance experienced by our brave mercenaries. Months are named as we know them (although they are known differently in the Calendar of Harptos in Forgotten Realms campaign setting) to better perceive the passing of time. Long time ago in a world far far away..

1218 DR
September 30th - Thelon Celtharion is born in the desolate elven realm of Evermeet

1308 DR
April 5th - Bolwyn Flameblade is born in the Halls of the Clan Mithralheart, in the Citadel of Adbar

1347 DR
January 22nd - Posco Pepper is born somewhere in the Western Heartlands.

1350 DR
June 18th - Orgot Shatargat-thrak is assumingly born in the eastern slopes of Spine of the World mountains.

1372 DR
March x - Bolwyn and Orgot got isolated by collapsing ceiling. They team up to travel to Luskan.
June 4th - Our four adventurers arrive to Luskan in two groups. They meet Enoch Crowgale and team up as five.
June 5th - Crowgale explains his plans for the expedition to Ultima Thule. A scuffle at the tannery.
June 6th - The adventurers set sail with Withering Wench towards the Icepeak island.
June 7th - Our heroes catch a whale at the Sea of Swords
June 8th - Arrival at Aurilsbarg
June 9th - The beheading of Vasiljus the Dookian in behalf of Atledan the Priest
June 10th - Discovery of Valgaerds Logbook beneath the tombs of the Church of Frozen Waves.
June 12th - Heroes return from Daud-Haverigg after surviving one night there. Orgot and Thelon are diseased.
June 13th - Posco and Bolwyn begun to investigate mysterious walrus killings.
June 15th - Heroes slay a werewolf behind the killings at Aurilsbarg.
June 16th - A return trip to Luskan begans on the deck of Shivering Nordman
June 18th - Return to Luskan. A brawl between the mercenary heroes and the Amazing Luskan Lads
June 20th - Begin of a recon mission for the Red Dog Mercenaries. The Raven predicts doom.
June 21st - The King of Waterdeep is slain.
June 23rd - Pursuit for the slavers that struck Claysheaf begins
June 25th - The villagers are freed from the hobgoblins. Homoth the Commander is slain.
July 1st - Return to Luskan
July 4th - Descending to Underkeel to save Agmuind Saltskin
July 5th - Bitter defeat against the Hellmaker. Posco believes he's the sole survivor alongside freed Saltskin.
July 6th - Thelon, Bolwyn and Orgot are found alive but injured. Orgot sustained grievous hit to his will.
July 10th - Cleaning of warehouse 4 for merchant Jando Karakas.
July 12th - The Virgin Ingrid departs from Luskan, beginning of the expedition.
- Thule Expedition Begins -
July 22nd - The Virgin Ingrid is stranded by mist and ice.
July 25th - The expedition arrives to Citadel Ironmaster
July 27th - Orgot is baptized by the Harbinger of Talos.
July 28th - Virgin Ingrid finally arrives to the port of Targos
July 29th - Expedition arrives to plague ridden Bryn Shander
August 2nd - Bryn Shander is cured from the disease
August 5th - Brief visit at Caer Dineval
August 8th - Expedition reaches Dol Aurmeth. Discovery of Valgaerds Pendant.
August 16th - Fight against White Dragon Nidhogrym
August 17th - Lord Konrad Haldursson dies due old age
August 20th - Windmill Hágo and Agnor join the expedition due odd reasons
August 23rd - Discovery of the Ice Fjord. Nespil Crowgales demise in remorhaz gizzards.
August 26th - Hórnbori is mortally mutilated by a cave troll.
August 30th - Discovery of the cave people and the remnants of Mordgóin Gemgrinders expedition
September 8th - Mind Flayer attack through the strange portal. Ascending the Cylinder.
September 9th - Onarr is killed by a frost giant. Witnessing the Army of King Vetrvader.

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