thoughts were quickly ended when the group reached the end of the staircase,
and exit from the grueling Underdark. Breath of fresh air was of no comfort,
when Orgot soon found himself face to face alone with a huge frost giant on top
of a cliff. Summoning every flaming spell Talos would grant him, Orgot hoped
that the unforgiving Storm Lord had not heard his blasphemous thoughts of doubt
in the tunnels bellow. Apparently not, since Orgot was able to scorch the giant
with unforeseen infernous might, and with the help of his friends the frost
giant was quickly defeated. But not without a cost.
Thelon had fallen on the
frost giants axe after heroic attempt to aid Orgot in battle. Seeing his
friends battered body lying on the cliff, barely breathing, Orgot could not
help but to wonder "How much more can this guy take? The elf sure has more
courage than constitution..." Joy of his friend being alive was quickly
diminished, as Orgot saw flame after flame lighting on the watchtowers around
the vale bellow. And as he saw the unbelievably gigantic army of orcs, frost
giants and other foul creatures of the North, Orgot truly hoped that Talos
would not abandon him on this day...